Largest straw sculpture ever raises awareness about single-use plastic pollution

Largest straw sculpture ever raises awareness about single-use plastic pollution

This amazing sculpture was created by artist Van Wong to raise awareness about single-use plastic pollution and the impact it has on the world’s oceans. It depicts a parting plastic sea which people can walk through. A whopping 168,037 reclaimed straws, and a lot of help from volunteers, went into creating this huge plastic sculpture.

It took over 6 months to collect, wash, sort and colour code the straws with help from clean-up groups organized by Zero Waste Saigon across Vietnam. Time to put all the straws together. Van Wong, with the help of up to 50 volunteers, spent several days creating the sculpture.

“The installation is meant to depict the parting of the plastic ocean in an attempt to engage and encourage individuals to say no to single-use plastics, especially straws,” explained artist Von Wong.

“They’re used for just minutes but take centuries to disappear. Hundreds of millions of straws are used every single day around the world. We wanted to intercept just a fraction of them to show how these tiny little things add up into a very big problem”.

Watch this short video on how it all came together to create this record-breaking sculpture;

The sculpture measures 3.3 m (10 ft 9 in) tall, 8 m (36 ft 2 in) long and 4.5 m (14 ft 9 in) wide.
Scientists are predicting there will be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050.

You can see more work by Van Wong here

Who would like to see him come to Ireland and do an installation?

#strawpocalypse #plasticpollution #zerowaste #art #vanwong #zerowastesaigon
#plasticfreejourney #nomoreplastic #savetheplanet #climatechange #plasticfree #plasticfreelife #wastefreeplanet #lowimpactmovement #ecofriendly #sustainability #plasticsucks #strawssuck

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