The first playable record made from recycled ocean plastic

The first playable record made from recycled ocean plastic

Musician Nick Mulvey worked with Sharp’s Brewery and Havas London to create an industry first, fully-playable record made using recycled plastic that has been washed up on beaches.

Titled In the Anthropocene and inspired by the Atlantic Ocean, all proceeds from the track will go to marine conservation charity Surfers Against Sewage, who say;

“The new ‘Ocean vinyl’, which uses plastic pollution and turns it into something positive, is a powerful way to help us raise money and continue to spread our message.”

Take a look at the trailer below.
The track is available to stream via digital platforms, such as Spotify and Apple Music, or you can purchase online or in-store via Drift as a limited-edition record.


#plasticpollution #marineconservation #sharpsbrewery #havaslondon #nickmulvey #zerowaste #plasticfreejourney #nomoreplastic #savetheplanet #climatechange #plasticfree #plasticfreelife #wastefreeplanet #simplyzero #lowimpactmovement #ecofriendly #sustainability #plasticsucks #earthfriendly 

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